Methods in java

In java programming a method is a block of code that used to perform some specific task. In java method are basically used to write the business logic. In java we can create n number of instance methods and static method depends on the need .java methods improve the reusability of the program .
In java every method contain 3 components . 
  • Method declaration 
  • Method implementation 
  • Method calling 
class Test
int a=100;      
int b=200;     
public static void main(String[] args)
Test t = new Test();     
t.add()  //Method Calling 
Void add()    // Method Declaration 
System.out.println(a);  //Method implementation 
Naming Convention for methods 
  • Method Name should starts with lower cases letter .
  • Every inner word should starts with upper cases letter.
  • Methods should be a verb .
  • Method name should in mix case.
eg : speedUp () , post ().

public class Employee  

void classTeacher () 
//business Logic  

Method Declaration in java

public int addition (int x , int y)

   //Method body

here ,
public : Modifier name 
int : Return type 
addition : Method name
(int y , int y) : list of parameter

Types of method in java
There are 2 types of method in java 
1) Instance method (non static method )
2) Static method

Instance Method 
A method which don't contain any static keyword in its declaration those type of method is called as the non static method or instance method .

Syntax - Instance method
public class Employee  

void classTeacher ()  //instance Method 
//business Logic  

Static method 
A method which has the static keyword in its declaration those type of method is called the static method.

Syntax - Static method
public class Employee  

static void classTeacher ()  //static Method 
//business Logic  

Calling method in java

1) Instance method Calling in java 
In java for the instance, member memory is allocated when the object is created hence access the instance member by using the reference variable (object name ).

class Test
int a=100;      
int b=200;     
public static void main(String[] args)
Test t = new Test();     
t.add()  //instance Method Calling 
Void add()     

2)Static method calling in java
In java for the static member memory allocated during the .class file loading, hence there are 3 approaches to calling the static method in java.
Approach-1 Directly
Approach-2 By using the class name 
Approach-3 By using reference variable 

class Test
static int a=100;    
static int b=200;   
public static void main(String[] args)

Test.add();   //By Class name
add();         // Directly 
Test t =new Test();  
t.add();      // By reference variable 
static void add()

Hope !!! The above lesson on the java method is helpful for you...

Technology Team, 

UP Consultancy Services 

Tags : Method in java , java methods , methods calling in java , types of methods in java , how to declare the method in java , how to call methods in java 
Methods in Java With Example