Test Cases For Login Page
Here ! In this lesson we are going to discuss the possible test cases for login ...- Verify that Login page have the fields as per requirement or not.
- Verify that user able to login by entering valid username and password.
- Verify that when user try to login by entering the invalid username and invalid password.
- Check that when user try to login by entering valid username and invalid password.
- Verify when user try to login by entering the invalid username and valid password .
- Verify that when user try to login by entering username in both username and password field.
- Check that when user try to login by entering the password in both username and password field .
- Verify that when user click on login button without entering any data in username and password field .
- Check that when user click on login button by entering only username .
- Verify that when user click on login button by entering only password .
- Verify the alert message when user click on login button without entering username and password .
- Verify the alert message when user click on login by entering only username .
- Verify the alert message when user click on login by entering only password .
- Check the place holder and label of fields .
- Check the keyboard tab functionality.
- Check the enter button functionality after entering valid user name and password .
Hope !!! The above lesson test case for login helpful for you..
Technology Team,
UP Consultancy Services
Tags : Login test cases , test cases for login page , Login Test case , Test scenarios for login page , Login page test cases , Login Test cases