Java keywords 

In java , Keywords is a word which has the predefined meaning . we can not use keywords as variable , object name . Java keywords also known as the Reserved words .

List of Java keywords ( 50)

List of all java keywords are given below 

Data Types (8)

  • byte 
  • short 
  • int 
  • long
  • float 
  • double 
  • char
  • boolean   
Flow-Control (10) 
  • if 
  • else 
  • switch
  • case 
  • default
  • break 
  • for 
  • while 
  • do
  • continue      
    Method-level (2) 
    • void  
    • return      
    Object-level (4)
    • new 
    • this
    • super
    • instanceof  
    source-file (6) 
    • class 
    • extends 
    • interface
    • implements
    • package 
    • import  
    Exception handling (5)
    • try 
    • catch 
    • finally 
    • throw 
    • throws        
    1.5 version (2) 
    • enum 
    • assert
    unused (2)
    • goto 
    • const  
    Modifiers (11) 
    • public
    • private
    • protected 
    • abstract
    • final 
    • static 
    • strictfp
    • native 
    • transient
    • volatile 
    • synchronized  
    Predefined constants (3)
    • True
    • false 
    • null 

    Reserved words

    Keywords (50) + constants (3)   = Reserved Words (53)

    Explanation of Reserved words or java keywords
    • byte - To declare a variable that can hold an 8-bit data values use java byte keywords . 
    • short - To declare a variable that can hold a 16-bit integer use java short keywords .
    • int - To declare a variable that can hold a 32-bit signed integer use java int keywords.
    • long - To declare a variable that can hold a 64-bit integer use java long keywords.
    • float - To declare a variable that can hold a 32-bit floating-point number java float keywords.
    • double - To declare a variable that can hold a 64-bit floating-point numbers use java double keywords
    • char - To declare a variable that can hold unsigned 16-bit Unicode characters use java char keywords.
    • boolean - To declare TRUE/ FALSE use java boolean keywords.
    • if - Tests a true/false expression and branches accordingly use java if keyword.
    • else -  To indicate the alternative branches in an if statement use java else keyword .
    • switch - switch keyword contain a statement that executes code based on a test value.
    • case - Case keyword in java used in switch statements to mark blocks of text.
    • default - To specify the default block of code in a switch statement use java default keywords.
    • break - To break loop or switch statement use java break keywords.
    • for - To start a for loop use java for keywords
    • while - To start a while loop use java while keywords.
    • do -  In control statement to declare a loop use java do keywords.
    • continue - To sends control back outside a loop use java continue keywords     
    • void  
    • return      
    • new 
    • this
    • super
    • instanceof  
    • class 
    • extends 
    • interface
    • implements
    • package 
    • import  
    • try 
    • catch 
    • finally 
    • throw 
    • throws        
    • enum 
    • assert
    • goto 
    • const  
    • public
    • private
    • protected 
    • abstract
    • final 
    • static 
    • strictfp
    • native 
    • transient
    • volatile 
    • synchronized  
    • True
    • false 
    • null 
    Hope !!! The above Lesson of Keywords in java helpful For you ....

    Technology Team, 

    UP Consultancy Services 

    Tags : java keywords , Keywords in java , List of keywords in java , List of all keywords in java , java keywords list .