PIN Code Field Testing
Test Cases For Pin Code Field
Here, some of the Important Test Scenarios to test the pin code field is given...
TC-01 : Check that user is able to enter the pin code in the field.
TC-02 : Check that when the user enters the six-digit valid pin code.
TC-03 : Check that when the user enters the PIN code less than 6 digits.
TC-04 : Check that When the user enters the PIN code more than 6 digits.
TC-05 : Check the PIN code field when the user enters a Decimal value.
TC-06 : Check the Field when the user enters alphabet value in the Pin Code field .
TC-07 : Check the field when the user enters special characters in Field.
TC-08 : Check the field when the user pastes six digits valid PIN code in the field.
TC-09 : Check the Field when the user pastes less than or more than six-digit pin code in the field.
TC-10 : Check the field when the pastes the alphabet and special char in the pin code field.
Technology Team ,
UP Consultancy Services